Ginny Redish

Ginny Redish Bibliography

  • Adlin, Tamara. “Interview with Ginny Redish.”, June 13, 2007.
  • International Plain Language Federation. “A Pioneer in the Plain Language Movement: Ginny Redish | International Plain Language Federation.” Accessed October 3, 2021.
  • Jarrett, Caroline, Janice (Ginny) Redish, Kathryn Summers, and Kath Straub. “Design to Read: Guidelines for People Who Do Not Read Easily User Experience Magazine.”, June 15, 2010.
  • Oswal, Sushil K. “A Conversation on Usability and Accessibility with Janice (Ginny) Redish.” Communication Design Quarterly Review 3, no. 2 (March 27, 2015): 63–92.
  • Redish, Ginny. Interview with Ginny Redish by Erin Malone. Interview by Erin Malone, July 23, 2021.
  • ———. “What Is Information Design?” Technical Communication 47 (May 2000): 163–66. ———. “Are We Really Entering a Post-Usability Era?” SIGDOC Asterisk J. Comput. Doc. 19 (March 1995): 18–24.
  • ———. “Technical Communication and Usability: Intertwined Strands and Mutual Influences.” IEEE Transactions on Professional Communication 53, no. 3 (September 2010): 191–201.
  • ———. “Content as Conversation in Government Websites,” 294–303. Las Vegas, NV: Springer-Verlag, 2013.
  • ———. “Expanding Usability Testing to Evaluate Complex Systems.” J. Usability Studies 2 (May 2007): 102–11.
  • Redish, Janice Ginny, and Carol Barnum. “Overlap, Influence, Intertwining: The Interplay of UX and Technical Communication.” J. Usability Studies 6 (May 2011): 90–101.
  • Redish, Janice Ginny, Randolph G Bias, Robert Bailey, Rolf Molich, Joe Dumas, and Jared M Spool. “Usability in Practice: Formative Usability Evaluations - Evolution and Revolution,” 885–90. Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA: Association for Computing Machinery, 2002.
  • Redish, Janice Ginny, Dana E Chisnell, Sharon J Laskowski, and Svetlana Lowry. “Plain Language Makes a Difference When People Vote.” J. Usability Studies 5 (May 2010): 81–103.
  • Redish, Janice, and Dennis Wixon. Task Analysis, 922–40. L. Erlbaum Associates Inc., 2002.
  • Theofanos, Mary Frances, and Janice Ginny Redish. “Bridging the Gap: Between Accessibility and Usability.” Interactions 10 (November 2003): 36–51.
  • Wikipedia. “Janice Redish,” April 16, 2021.

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